Results for 'Richard B. Hoppe'

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  1.  27
    Acquisition and transfer of intercontrol movement dependence in two-dimensional compensatory tracking.Richard B. Hoppe - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (2):215.
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  2. Decision theory and health resource allocations.Ruth B. Hoppe - 1983 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 4 (2):193-205.
    If it can be agreed that health care resources are finite, it follows that choices between competing needs must be made. Cost utility analysis is an application of decision theory which has been proposed as a strategy for making difficult social decisions about health resource allocations. This method is heavily dependent upon the measurement of social utilities for various health outcomes. Recent work in cognitive psychology suggests that there are important sources of distortion in such measurement. Ethical implications of application (...)
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  3. Husserl, Dummett, and the Linguistic Turn.Walter Hopp - 2009 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 78 (1):17-40.
    Michael Dummett famously holds that the “philosophy of thought” must proceed via the philosophy of language, since that is the only way to preserve the objectivity of thoughts while avoiding commitments to “mythological,” Platonic entities. Central to Dummett’s case is his thesis that all thought contents are linguistically expressible. In this paper, I will (a) argue that making the linguistic turn is neither necessary nor sufficient to avoid the problems of psychologism, (b) discuss Wayne Martin’s argument that not all thought-contents (...)
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    Order Matters! Influences of Linear Order on Linguistic Category Learning.Dorothée B. Hoppe, Jacolien Rij, Petra Hendriks & Michael Ramscar - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12910.
    Linguistic category learning has been shown to be highly sensitive to linear order, and depending on the task, differentially sensitive to the information provided by preceding category markers (premarkers, e.g., gendered articles) or succeeding category markers (postmarkers, e.g., gendered suffixes). Given that numerous systems for marking grammatical categories exist in natural languages, it follows that a better understanding of these findings can shed light on the factors underlying this diversity. In two discriminative learning simulations and an artificial language learning experiment, (...)
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    Order Matters! Influences of Linear Order on Linguistic Category Learning.Dorothée B. Hoppe, Jacolien van Rij, Petra Hendriks & Michael Ramscar - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12910.
    Linguistic category learning has been shown to be highly sensitive to linear order, and depending on the task, differentially sensitive to the information provided by preceding category markers (premarkers, e.g., gendered articles) or succeeding category markers (postmarkers, e.g., gendered suffixes). Given that numerous systems for marking grammatical categories exist in natural languages, it follows that a better understanding of these findings can shed light on the factors underlying this diversity. In two discriminative learning simulations and an artificial language learning experiment, (...)
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    The unconscious pursuit of emotion regulation: Implications for psychological health.Henrik Hopp, Allison S. Troy & Iris B. Mauss - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (3):532-545.
    Because of the central involvement of emotion regulation in psychological health and the role that implicit (largely unconscious) processes appear to play in emotion regulation, implicit emotion-regulatory processes should play a vital role in psychological health. We hypothesised that implicitly valuing emotion regulation translates into better psychological health in individuals who use adaptive emotion-regulation strategies. A community sample of 222 individuals (56% women) who had recently experienced a stressful life event completed an implicit measure of emotion regulation valuing (ER-IAT) and (...)
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    Rationality, rules, and utility: new essays on the moral philosophy of Richard B. Brandt.Richard B. Brandt & Brad Hooker (eds.) - 1994 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    Scholars of ethics, and of human behavior more generally, will find this book consistently stimulating and rewarding.
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  8. Ethical theory.Richard B. Brandt - 1959 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
  9. (2 other versions)A Theory of the Good and the Right.Richard B. Brandt - 1979 - Philosophy 55 (213):412-414.
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  10. Morality, utilitarianism, and rights.Richard B. Brandt - 1992 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Richard Brandt is one of the most eminent and influential of contemporary moral philosophers. His work has been concerned with how to justify what is good or right not by reliance on intuitions or theories about what moral words mean but by the explanation of moral psychology and the description of what it is to value something, or to think it immoral. His approach thus stands in marked contrast to the influential theories of John Rawls. The essays reprinted in (...)
  11.  14
    Metaphysics and Postfeminism.Svenja FlaBpohler, Josef Friichtl, Fedor B. Hoppe, Stefanie Schliiter, Christiane Tiemann & Sonja Yurtcu - 2001 - In Angela Kallhoff, Martha C. Nussbaum: ethics and political philosophy: lecture and colloquium in Münster 2000. New Brunswick: Distributed in North America by Transaction Publishers. pp. 115.
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    The Complete Works of Chuang-tzu.Richard B. Mather, Burton Watson & Chuang-tzu - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):334.
  13.  12
    The theory of evolution in German-speaking areas. Scientific, epistemological and historical interpretations of the last 10 years].B. Hoppe - 1985 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 7 (1).
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    Richard B. Spence, Boris Savinkov. Renegade on the Left. [REVIEW]Richard B. Spence - 1998 - Studies in East European Thought 50 (2):163-164.
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  15. Facts, values, and morality.Richard B. Brandt - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Richard Brandt is one of the most influential moral philosophers of the second half of the twentieth century. He is especially important in the field of ethics for his lucid and systematic exposition of utilitarianism. This new book represents in some ways a summation of his views and includes many useful applications of his theory. The focus of the book is how value judgments and moral belief can be justified. More generally, the book assesses different moral systems and theories (...)
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  16.  69
    Dedicated and intrinsic models of time perception.Richard B. Ivry & John E. Schlerf - 2008 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12 (7):273-280.
  17.  90
    Traits of Character: A Conceptual Analysis.Richard B. Brandt - 1970 - American Philosophical Quarterly 7 (1):23 - 37.
  18.  9
    Knowledge, action, and the frame problem.Richard B. Scherl & Hector J. Levesque - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 144 (1-2):1-39.
  19.  22
    Reasoning and logic.Richard B. Angell - 1964 - New York,: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
  20.  79
    The consistency of the axiom of comprehension in the infinite-valued predicate logic of łukasiewicz.Richard B. White - 1979 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 8 (1):509 - 534.
  21. Moral valuation.Richard B. Brandt - 1945 - Ethics 56 (2):106-121.
  22.  90
    Elective Impairment Minus Elective Disability: The Social Model of Disability and Body Integrity Identity Disorder.Richard B. Gibson - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (1):145-155.
    Individuals with body integrity identity disorder seek to address a non-delusional incongruity between their body image and their physical embodiment, sometimes via the surgical amputation of healthy body parts. Opponents to the provision of therapeutic healthy-limb amputation in cases of BIID make appeals to the envisioned harms that such an intervention would cause, harms such as the creation of a lifelong physical disability where none existed before. However, this concept of harm is often based on a normative biomedical model of (...)
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    Review of Richard B. Brandt: The Philosophy of Schleiermacher[REVIEW]Richard B. Brandt - 1941 - Ethics 51 (4):490-491.
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  24. (1 other version)The Principlism Debate: A Critical Overview.Richard B. Davis - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (1):85-105.
    Clouser and Gert’s 'A Critique of Principlism’ (1990) has ignited debate over the adequacy of substituting principlism for moral theory as a means for dealing with biomedical dilemmas. Clouser and Gert argue that this sort of substitution is not adequate to the task. I examine their argument in light of recent defences of principlism on this score, those of B. Andrew Lustig (1992), David Degrazia (1992), and Beauchamp and Childress (1994). I argue that both sides in the debate have assumed (...)
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  25. A utilitarian theory of excuses.Richard B. Brandt - 1969 - Philosophical Review 78 (3):337-361.
    The article explains a rule-Utilitarian normative thesis about when actions are morally excused; that an act otherwise morally objectionable in some way is excused if a moral system, The acceptance of which in the agent's society would be utility-Maximizing, Would not condemn it. What is meant by a "moral system condemning" an action is explained. The parallel between this moral thesis and the benthamite theory of criminal justice is developed. It is argued that this rule-Utilitarian thesis implies that an action (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Hopi Ethics, A Theoretical Analysis.Richard B. Brandt - 1954 - Philosophy 32 (120):75-79.
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  27. The definition of an "ideal observer" theory in ethics.Richard B. Brandt - 1954 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15 (3):407-413.
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  28. Actual Rule Utilitarianism.Richard B. Miller - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (1):5-28.
  29.  5
    Autonomy versus exclusion in xenotransplantation trials.Richard B. Gibson - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (3):165-166.
    Kögel et al propose a multicriteria alternative to the standard early clinical selection method for xenotransplantation trials. As they note, existing recommendations for inclusion criteria indicate that only the most seriously ill—those lacking any viable alternative—should be considered for xenotransplantation. Rather than basing selection on, to put it indelicately, a Hail Mary in the face of certain death, Kögel et al recommend a selection system based on four ethical criteria: medical need, capacity to benefit, patient choice and compliance (the latter (...)
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  30.  44
    Synthesizing Methuselah: The Question of Artificial Agelessness.Richard B. Gibson - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (1):60-75.
    As biological organisms, we age and, eventually, die. However, age’s deteriorating effects may not be universal. Some theoretical entities, due to their synthetic composition, could exist independently from aging—artificial general intelligence (AGI). With adequate resource access, an AGI could theoretically be ageless and would be, in some sense, immortal. Yet, this need not be inevitable. Designers could imbue AGIs with artificial mortality via an internal shut-off point. The question, though, is, should they? Should researchers curtail an AGI’s potentially endless lifespan (...)
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  31.  51
    Hopi ethics.Richard B. Brandt - 1954 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
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  32.  68
    A consistent theory of attributes in a logic without contraction.Richard B. White - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (1):113 - 142.
    This essay demonstrates proof-theoretically the consistency of a type-free theoryC with an unrestricted principle of comprehension and based on a predicate logic in which contraction (A (A B)) (A B), although it cannot holds in general, is provable for a wide range ofA's.C is presented as an axiomatic theoryCH (with a natural-deduction equivalentCS) as a finitary system, without formulas of infinite length. ThenCH is proved simply consistent by passing to a Gentzen-style natural-deduction systemCG that allows countably infinite conjunctions and in (...)
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  33.  31
    Elective amputation and neuroprosthetic limbs.Richard B. Gibson - 2021 - The New Bioethics 27 (1):30-45.
    This paper explores the impact that developments in the field of neuroprosthetics will have on the ethical viability of healthy limb amputation, specifically in cases of Body Integrity Identity Dis...
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  34.  62
    On making a cultural turn in religious ethics.Richard B. Miller - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (3):409-443.
    This essay critically explores resources and reasons for the study of culture in religious ethics, paying special attention to rhetorics and genres that provide an ethics of ordinary life. I begin by exploring a work in cultural anthropology that poses important questions for comparative and cultural inquiry in an age alert to "otherness," asymmetries of power, the end of value-neutrality in the humanities, and the formation of identity. I deepen my argument by making a foundational case for the importance of (...)
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  35.  26
    Desirability of Difference: Georges Canguilhem and Body Integrity Identity Disorder.Richard B. Gibson - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (6):711-722.
    Opponents of the provision of therapeutic, healthy limb amputation in Body Integrity Identity Disorder cases argue that such surgeries stand in contrast to the goal of medical practice – that of health restoration and maintenance. This paper refutes such a conclusion via an appeal to the nuanced and reflective model of health proposed by Georges Canguilhem. The paper examines the conceptual entanglement of the statistically common with the normatively desirable, arguing that a healthy body can take multiple forms, including that (...)
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    Without Intuitions.Richard B. Miller - 2000 - Metaphilosophy 31 (3):231-250.
    This paper criticizes Analytic philosophy with its reliance on intuitions in pursuit of conceptual analysis. Rejecting naturalism as an alternative philosophical method, I offer in its place a pragmatic and revisionary conception of philosophical method. I explain the method of Analytic philosophy and show why reliance on intuitions is essential to that method, which is unable to provide substantive answers to philosophical problems. I further show that reflective equilibrium or wide analysis requires some criterion of intuition choice and that this (...)
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    Is Suffering the Enemy?Richard B. Gunderman - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (2):40-44.
    The relief of suffering is the great goal of medicine. That physicians give up on suffering when they can do nothing about the underlying condition is one of the contemporary criticisms of medicine. Yet even in irremediable suffering there is something noble, to which physicians should attend.
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    Body integrity dysphoria and medical necessity: Amputation as a step towards health.Richard B. Gibson - 2023 - Clinical Ethics (3):321-329.
    Interventions are medically necessary when they are vital in achieving the goal of medicine. However, with varying perspectives comes varying views on what interventions are (un)necessary and, thus, what potential treatment options are available for those suffering from the myriad of conditions, pathologies and disorders afflicting humanity. Medical necessity's teleological nature is perhaps best illustrated in cases where there is debate over using contentious medical interventions as a last resort. For example, whether it is appropriate for those suffering from body (...)
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  39.  26
    Is humanitys survival really that important?Richard B. Gibson - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (1):28-28.
    In her paper, Robinson asserts that if one is convinced by the arguments assigning personhood according to a threshold criterion, one should also be open to the potential for a secondary personhood threshold, satisfied when one is pregnant, which confers temporary enhanced moral status. Rather than grounding such a claim on a fetus’s possession, or lack thereof, of personhood, Robinson argues that the pregnant person’s status as a ‘unique being’ is enough to satisfy the requirements of such an additional personhood (...)
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  40. Hopi Ethics a Theoretical Analysis.Richard B. Brandt - 1954 - University of Chicago Press.
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    An Immortal Ghost in the Machine?Richard B. Gibson - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):81-83.
    In their paper, Hildt (2023) surveys several socio-ethical and regulatory issues arising from research into, and the potential emergence of, artificial consciousness—synthetic beings with a claim t...
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    This little piggy can’t leave the open market.Richard B. Gibson - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (11):738-739.
    Rodger et al argue for the disenhancement of animals intended for xenotransplantation; that is, the transference of tissues or organs from one species to another. The crux of their claim is that the conditions necessary to facilitate xenotransplantation will be hostile to those subjected to them. Thus, to minimise the suffering of living under such conditions, ‘ethically defensible xenotransplantation should entail the use of genetic disenhancement if it becomes possible to do so and if that pain and suffering cannot be (...)
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  43. Hedonism.Richard B. Brandt - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 4--432.
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    Dog bites man: A defence of modal realism.Richard B. Miller - 1989 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 67 (4):476 – 478.
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  45.  59
    Concern for counterparts.Richard B. Miller - 1992 - Philosophical Papers 21 (2):133-140.
  46.  68
    The Epistemology of Plea Bargaining.Richard B. Miller - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (5):501-512.
    Systems-oriented social epistemology, studies epistemic systems in which individuals work together to determine the epistemic status (true, justified, true beyond a reasonable doubt, e...
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  47. Sentence, utterance, and samesayer.Richard B. Arnaud - 1976 - Noûs 10 (3):283-304.
  48. R. B. Pippin, Kant's Theory of Form. [REVIEW]H. Hoppe - 1987 - Kant Studien 78 (4):487.
  49. (1 other version)Hopi Ethics.Richard B. Brandt - 1955 - Ethics 65 (4):314-315.
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  50. Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul.Richard B. Hays - 1989
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